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Biomechanical Assessment 

and Correction

What is Biomechanical Assessment and Correction?

Biomechanics is the study of the structure, function and motion of the human body.


Postural Correction

Posture is the position in which you hold your body upright against gravity while standing, sitting, or lying down.


Biomechanical Correction

Biomechanics encompasses the area of science concerned with the analysis of human movement patterns. Mechanics is a branch of physics that is concerned with the description of motion/movement and how forces create motion/movement. 

Couple Running

Running Gait Analysis

Assessment of running technique to identify possible discrepancies in running style that could impact performance or contribute to running related injuries.


Functional Movement


The FMS is a tool used to identify asymmetries which may result in functional movement deficiencies. The FMS aims to identify injury risk as well as imbalances in mobility and stability using seven fundamental movement patterns. 

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