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Orthopeadic Conditions Management

What is Orthopeadic Condition


Orthopedic conditions refers to an issue or injury that affects the musculoskeletal system, bones, and joints.

This includes soft tissue injuries such as muscle strains or ligament sprains, and more chronic conditions that affect the bone and joint such as osteoporosis and arthritis.


Pre-habilitation prior

to surgery

Preoperative rehabilitation, or 'prehab', is a form of intervention which aims to dampen side effects of medical or surgical intervention. It can decrease the total rehabilitation time after surgery.

It is recommended to have medical clearance before taking part in a pre-habilitation program 




Rehabilitation after having a surgery aimed at re-establishing joint motion, joint function and muscle strength.


Final Phase and Sports

Injury Rehabilitation 

This phase is prior to discharge and flexibility, strength, and muscle endurance are all at normal or near-normal levels. The patient is ready for more advanced, aggressive activities that further stress the injured area in preparation for a return to normal activities.

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